Saturday, December 8, 2012

!LAPPI 2012!

Last week I had one of teh best weeks of my exchange year! Last week all 140 exchange students travelled up north to Muonio, Lapland :D. The bus trip was extremely long and we were stuck on a bus for at least 10 hours. Although it was a really long trip it was lots of fun filled with many many laughs. We all got the oppurtunity to catch up with old friends and make some new ones too.
In the 5 days we spent in Lapland we were able to try so many new things such as dog sledding, going for a sleigh ride, snow shoe walking and many others. However, the best thing for me at least was on the last day when we travlled to Rovaniemi and met Joulupukki (santa)! We got the change to walk around his village as well as see his elves.
The week was filled with so many laughs and smiles but also tears for us oldies as this is our last trip with our newbies and maybe the last time we will see some of them! Writing this blog about this trip is really difficult because the trip was just so incredible that it is really hard to put into words what happened and how i and everyone else there felt about the trip!
However, the trip is now definately over and I will miss all of my amazing newbies so much and I hope to see them all again one day! :)

Now on a very sad note, I now only have 1 month left in this amazing country and 1 month left of my exchange before I return back to Australia and ultimately back to reality, but I plan to make every moment count as if its my last and have the most amazing 30 days of my life!

Here are just a few image highlights of the trip...
